Are the lines above straight?
Obviously, yes. I wouldn't ask you about it if they were actually as curved as they appear.
But WHY do they look so bent?
For a great explanation, check out this column, from Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy blog.
Totally apropos of nothing, but I wanted to use this image in the blog.
I think it will look good when I repost this on Facebook, and I want to draw in some more eyeballs. (I also just think it's cool, on its own.)
Tonight's prestige quiz:
For each item below, if it's METAL, name an album. If it's a TYPOGRAPHICAL symbol, draw it.
1. Pilcrow _______________________
2. Krokus _______________________
3. Solidus _______________________
4. Diesis _______________________
5. Winger _______________________
6. Octothorp _______________________
7. Double Dagger _______________________
8. Accept _______________________
9. Obelus _______________________
10. Interrobang _______________________
11. Yngwie Malmsteen _______________________
Correct answers in person after 7:45 tonight!
Remember, this is the NO-BOOZE WINNING quiz.
For a chance to win drinks, check out the quiz on Barmacy's facebook page.
(Also - You know you can hints for the Last Call quiz each week by clicking here, right?)
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