Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Estar Con Puerto Rico

(I hope Google Translate got that title right.)

Pat Rothfuss is running a campaign to raise money for Puerto Rico.

You can click through here.

I'm going to let Pat Rothfuss take over:
Right. Okay. Let’s talk about Puerto Rico.
It’s been hit by three hurricanes lately, but the latest, Maria, has devastated the island. Millions have no power, clean water, or food. And for various reasons that I won’t go into right now, federal aid to the island has been extremely slow moving.
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But when someone doesn’t have drinking water, that’s a problem NOW. Sometimes you need to deal with a crisis fast, and worry about sustainable agriculture later.
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Here’s the thing folks. Here’s what I’m afraid of. I’m worried when we finally do start seeing realistic death-tolls for Puerto Rico, it’s not going to be in the dozens or hundreds. I’m worried that by the time people finally stop scrambling for survival long enough to start counting bodies, the dead will number in the thousands.
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I mean, most of you are fantasy readers, right? You know why clean water is so important. Without it, things like typhoid, dysentery, and cholera are right around the corner. Then, without medical infrastructure, those things will tear through a sick population like a fire through a field of wheat.
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I don’t want to wait until that happens, then tear my hair out wishing I’d done something to help.
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So last week I went to to the worldbuilders team and we started investigating charities. We know when donate money to us, you’re trusting us. You want to get the biggest bang possible out of your charity dollar.
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Luckily, it turns out that Mercy Corps has put their seasoned emergency response team toward helping out in Puerto Rico.
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More than 3 million people still remain without power and water, and expected heavy rains could further impede aid efforts in the coming days. Mercy Corps has deployed an emergency response team, some of whom arrived just yesterday, to see how their global expertise in emergency response can support the efforts to deliver humanitarian assistance and start rebuilding the communities ravaged by the hurricane.
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Their approach is to support and empower existing local organizations, with a special focus on the most vulnerable and underserved populations. We expect to work with them to provide access to cash, clean water, and other urgently needed supplies.
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If you’ve been feeling like I have for the last couple weeks. Scared and helpless and wishing you could do something to help make the world less shitty. Here’s your chance.
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There are real people who need our help. You can help by helping us spread the word. You can share this fundraiser, and make a donation.
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And before you say you can’t afford it. Please keep in mind that if you’re reading this on a computer and had a glass of water that came out of a tap today, you are doing roughly 10,000% better than the people in Puerto Rico right now. If you kick in just a bit, it can make a huge difference, because when taken all together, we are a force to be reckoned with. I don’t know how to stress this enough. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DON’T HAVE CLEAN WATER TO DRINK.
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So please. Join us. Together we are awesome. We can help.
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Mercy Corps has become our go-to charity for disaster relief. Their seasoned emergency response team has been deployed to provide supplies and assistance, and are working tirelessly to aid the people of Puerto Rico. Mercy Corps has a long history of both emergency relief and rebuilding communities struck by disaster, and we know their assistance will help Puerto Rico back to its feet.

You can donate here.

Tonight's PRESHOW Q (here AND the FB page):

Puerto Rico became part of the US as a result of a treaty ending what conflict?

Answer IN PERSON by 8:00 for a shot at prizes!

Excelsior et Irrumabo Carcinodes!

Frank's Place is at 594 W. Market St. Akron OH 44303
Their Facebook Page.

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