I had some web-difficulties today, and didn't get this on the blog. I'll add it later.
Here's the quiz:Weekly Quiz:
Thought by some to have been created along with his 8 companions by Clement Clarke Moore in his seasonal poem published in 1823, what scarlett-schnozzed caribou actually made his debut in 1939, making him only as old as Batman, and a year younger than Superman?
- first person to tell me IN PERSON after 7:13 pm wins a prize!
Don't forget On Tap at the Harbor's December Drink Specials:
- Beer of the Month- Goose Island Sixth Day $3.95 22 oz
- Liquor of the Month- Canadian Club $3.95
- Drink of the Month- Pomegranate Martini $4.95
- Shot of the Month- S'mores $3.95
(Text from their OTATH's Facebook wall)
Mike "Mad Dog" Adams performs a rare NY's Eve show. After performing every NY's Eve for 25 yrs. He stopped doing NY's Eve shows 10 yrs. ago. Performing everywhere from Kelowna, British Columbia to Grand Cayman Island. Finally, he decided to start staying home on that night. But Mad Dog had such a great time at his recent sold out On Tap Show that he decided to do one more. Please call the club for reservations and more info. Seating is limited.
Tickets - $55 per person/$110 per couple; tax and gratuity additional.
Mike "Mad Dog" Adams Show
Dinner (7:00) with 3 choices(strip steak, mahi mahi, or chicken) and the trimmings (call club)
Champagne toast at midnight
Appetizers/pizza at 12:30
Cash Bar
Transportation can be arranged (limo, taxi, party bus) if reserved ahead of time at additional charge.
On Tap at the Harbor 562 Portage Lakes Dr (330) 644-1664
Info on our Hosts:
Have you "liked" On Tap at the Harbor on Facebook?
If you haven't here's what you are missing:
* A weekly bonus question from me, good for a free shot
* Their upcoming live music events
* Info on great parties, events and contests
On Tap at the Harbor has an EXCELLENT beer selection.
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