The "Super Friends" cartoon show was loosely based on DC Comic's Justice League. Most of the cast (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, should be pretty familiar to you, even if you only have a passing interest in superheroes.
Pretty standard superheroic line up, plus two new characters - Wendy and Marvin - the original Wonder Twins.
Although *technically* the only White American members of the main crew are Batman and Robin, (Aquaman is Atlantean-American, Wonder Woman is a diplomat from the Greco-Hellenic Paradise Island, and Superman is an illegal alien) the argument was made that it was a pretty pale looking cast.
DC Comics didn't have a great stable of multi-ethnic characters at the time, but the producers made a conscious decision to make the Super Friends look as if they came from all of the planet, not just the paler sections:
Okay, they look as if they are a construction worker short of re-uniting the Village People, but at least Hanna-Barbera was trying!
Tonight's non-booze question:
Name any two of these heroes.
In person, by 7:45.
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(Coming in a few minutes.)
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