Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Very Special Episode - Trivia Tuesday 12-15-15

I've mentioned before that I am a fan of special Christmas stories in comics - I can get genuinely choked up by one that's well done, and even think the more ridiculous ones can be a ton of fun.

I also have a special place in my heart for Christmas episodes of TV shows.

There's an amazing local author who shares that passion - Joanna Wilson. 
She has taken that passion and turned it into a career - she has several books that examine the intersection of Christmas, pop-culture and television.

You should check any of these out, but especially: The Christmas TV Companion: a Guide to Cult Classics, Strange Specials and Outrageous Oddities

She packs a great one-two punch - a deeply specialized set of knowledge, and the ability to actually write in an entertaining way about that knowledge.

She also blogs about Christmas TV at ChristmasTVHistory.com, and is one of the founders of Akron Empire, a great local site.

If that's not enough, she has also written a cool book about a local Christmas tradition, Archie the Talking Snowman. If you don't immediately smile at the title, you probably didn't grow up here.

As a hat tip to the season, here's a link to one of my favorites:

Tonight's secret blog question:
Joanna Wilson has a non-holiday book, co-authored with Karen Starr of Hazel Tree Interiors.  

What is it called?

Answer, IN PERSON, after 7:50.

Remember, this is the NO-BOOZE WINNING quiz.

Check Frank's Facebook page for the shotworthy question!


Frank's Place is at 594 W. Market St. Akron OH 44303 Their Facebook Page. And another.

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