Shiny 71
Canoe Paddlers 69
Plastic the Lathering 57
The Rum Runners 52
e=MC Awesome 42
60/40Split/Trav Ding. 12
I want to try to get these out closer to the actual quiz night, but I got slammed at work the next day, and when I got home, I just wanted to sleep. I'm trying to catch up.
I was glad to see two teams (The Canoe Paddlers and Plastic the Lathering) return from our inaugural show last week! My heart was also warmed by the return of two veteran teams (Shiny and e=MC Awesome) from our previous incarnation. Seriously, I am thrilled to see so many familiar faces come back.
Ahoy! and Welcome Aboard!
Team Rum Runners had their first experience with Quiz Night at On Tap. They seemed skeptical about the whole affair at first, but they had a good time anyway. (At least I hope they did. They came in on a boat for a round of drinks and wound up staying for the whole shebang.) They wound up coming in fourth, and would have placed second, had it not been for an unfortunate miss in the final round. (I am a little sad they didn't go with their original team name, suggested by co-captain Steve.)
Which brings me to the results and color commentary.
New/old team Shiny won with a strong showing at 71 points.
The Canoe Paddlers snuck in to second with some serious strategery – they bet zero at the end, and thus had literally nothing to lose. They could have handed me a sheet with “buck futter” on it and done just fine.
PTL took home third place.
e=MC Awesome also attended, and handed in some answers.
(This was not one of their better games.)
We have a Flickr group now.
You can see the ANSWER OF THE WEEK and more!
It's an open group, and you can join here.
At the request of On Tap's owner, John, starting Tuesday October 15, gift certficates won during quiz nights will be redeemable any visit AFTER they are won. This is a change for us, but is standard practice at many of the other Last Call USA locations.
No quiz yet, but check out On Tap's Facebook feed.
I always post a much easier question there. And hey, free shot!
(Please "like" them, and comment on the trivia posts, and maybe put in something in their wall. You would not believe how much it helps.)
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